Juniata College - Huntingdon County, PA

The research field station at Lake Raystown will provide a truly unique environmental studies resource to Juniata College. A multi-purpose/dining hall structure and classroom/lab building will accommodate the educational aspects of the program while a series of housing units will allow for a total immersion experience for students and guests. Water will be drawn from the lake and treated on-site for domestic use. A “living machine” for the treatment of waste water is also programmed into the development. Shuster Hall is the first LEED-Certified building at Juniata College’s Raystown Field Station, providing state-of-the-art field facilities within a unique sustainable campus. Shuster Hall is the first of a multi-phased master plan that will establish year-round educational programs available to all students of Juniata College. Students will reside on the site for a full semester thereby facilitating a total immersion experience. Shuster Hall incorporates sustainable principles such as maximized day lighting, operable windows, optimal solar orientation, and use of locally produced/manufactured construction materials. Full built-out utility infrastructure will include innovative technologies such as composting toilets, a “living machine” for treatment of gray water, and lake source water supply. USGBC LEED Certified
